About Our School

A Few Words About
Tema Senior High School

The School was opened on Friday, September 22nd, 1961 with an initial intake of 52 students. The number increased to 105 by the end of the month. There were 3 Form1 streams [A, B and C]. These continued to the Sixth Form Level and turned out the first batch of students in 1968. The subjects offered at the GSE were: English, Economics, Geography, History and Logic for the Arts and Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pure and Applied Mathematics for the Sciences.

STAFF The first Headmaster, Dr. F. K. Buah, was aided by a pioneer teaching staff of 6 members. They are as follows: Mr. A.E.K. Kabu Tei; Mr. S. A. Asante ;Mr. N. S. Fiagbedzi ;Mr. Victor Bampoe; Ms. Georgiana E. Shine; Mrs. Sophia Anderson

  • Strong Academic Foundation
  • Focus on Leadership Development
  • Commitment to Student Success
  • Engaging Extracurricular Activities
60+ Years

of Academic Excellence


Our Guiding Principles

To be a centre of Excellece in the provision of Holistic and Quality Education.

To provide Functional, Productive and Well-balanced individual with the Requiste Knowledge, Values, Attitudes and Aptitudes which enable the individual to compete favourably in the Global World.


Respect the worth and intergrity of our students. Believe in their God-given talents and potentials. Upload their right to quality Eduaction